Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Women's Wellness Book Written as a Tribute to A Mom With Breast Cancer

Long time, no post!

I've been spending most of my time over at Hope you can check it out!

I just wanted to let you know that I've recently finished my book, "NURTURED. The Ultimate Guide to Creating the Happy, Healthy Life Every Woman Deserves!"

You can read more about it at You can also read the Introduction on the site.

The creation of this book was a very personal journey for me. It began as my own private 'master plan' to help get my life back on track after my mom died with breast cancer near the end of 2007.

In the weeks that followed my mom's death, my life had become disjointed and stressful, and I knew I couldn't just wait around until it "passed"! I needed to proactively contribute to my own healing and my own health rebuilding.

My 'master plan' evolved into a book when I realized that the steps I was taking to restore health and balance are, in fact, universal steps. I knew that others would benefit as well... regardless of their circumstance... grief, sickness, stress, depression, anxiety, over-burdened, and so on. Imbalance is imbalance, no matter what we call it!

During the months I spent writing the book, there were many stressful times when I wished that I had just kept it to myself... rather than jumping through all the 'hoops' and details required to turn my plan into a public document! What pushed me forward to complete the book were the many conversations I had with my mom in her last couple of years. She knew I should be writing... she knew I had a lot to offer to a larger audience. She knew I have a passion for writing, speaking... for helping the most people I possibly can. So, I kept writing... for mom.

Now, fast forward a year or so. In just the past few weeks, countless women (and many men!) have read Nurtured and put my steps to action. Nurtured is changing lives. I've been told that "this book came along at the perfect time... our world, and the individuals in it, need this right now."

I would be honored if you'd take a look at Nurtured for yourself and allow me to ease your burden, simplify your journey and lead you to optimal health and balance.

I wish you all the best,
Dr. Colleen

1 comment:

Patricia Parker said...

Nice to know about the book. This will definitely help for the wellness of various mom's suffering from breast cancer.
treatment centers for cancer